Advice & Tips: Which are Zero/low calorie foods? | Experts Health Tips & Advice


It is important to understand that talk of "zero calorie foods" is somewhat misleading and does not accurately reflect the difficulties of human digestion and energy expenditure. here's why:

Myth of zero calorie foods:

The human body needs energy to digest any food, no matter its calorie content. This energy cost, also known as the thermic effect of food (TEF), is a small percentage of your total calorie intake, usually 5% to 10%.

Therefore, even low-calorie foods like leafy vegetables or water require some energy to digest, which means they are not truly "zero calories." However, the TEF for these foods is so low that it is often considered zero from a practical perspective.

Very low calorie foods:

Instead of focusing on the myth of zero-calorie foods, it may be more accurate and helpful to start thinking about foods with very low calories. These meals have incredibly low calories per gram of weight, making them a great choice for promoting satiety and managing calorie intake. 

1.Non-Starchy Vegetables: These powerhouses are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber while boasting incredibly low calorie content.

  • Spinach (7 calories/100 grams)
  • Kale (33 calories/100 grams)
  • Celery (16 calories/100 grams)
  • Cucumber (16 calories/100 grams)
  • Salad (14 calories/100 grams)

2. Fruits: Despite containing some natural sugars, fruits are generally low in calories and provide large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

  • Watermelon (30 calories/100 grams)
  • Melon (34 calories/100 grams)
  • Strawberries (32 calories/100 grams)
  • Grapes (31 calories/100 grams)
  • Blueberries (57 calories/100 grams)

3. Water: As the most essential beverage for human life, water contains no calories and plays an important role in various bodily functions. It helps digest food, regulates body temperature and promotes satisfaction.

Benefits of including low calorie foods:

🟆 Promotes satiety: These foods are high in water and fiber, which keep you feeling full for longer, reduce cravings and prevent weight gain.

🟆 Provides essential nutrients: They provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to maintain overall health and well-being.

🟆 Supports hydration: Foods like fruits and vegetables contribute greatly to hydration, which keeps your body functioning optimally.

Important points:

🟆 You have to control your eating habits: Even low-calorie foods can contribute to increasing your weight if consumed in excess. It is necessary to eat moderately and carefully.

🟆 Variety is a must: Choose a list of low-calorie foods to make sure you're getting the full range of nutrients you need.

🟆 Pay attention to overall dietary balance: Although it is beneficial to include these foods, make sure your diet also includes enough protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates for balanced nutrition.


Remember, there are no true "zero calorie" foods due to the human body's energy expenditure during digestion. However, paying attention to including "low calorie" foods as part of a balanced and mindful diet can be incredibly beneficial for suppressing appetite, controlling calorie intake, and getting all the nutrition you need.

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