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What is (DBMS) Database Management System ?


Hello friends, welcome to our channel, today we are going to tell you about a very important technical information, whose name is what is DBMS. We hope that many of you must have heard about it and also know what is DBMS. Actually DBMS means (Data Base Management System). Now you must have understood that for what purpose the database management system is used. DBMS is used to store the data.

In today's time the world is changing rapidly and progressing. Today is the era of computers and smartphones, in which we are storing data in our computers every minute. If we tell you in an even simpler language, then DBMS is a software inside our computer that stores and manages all the data inside the computer.

DBMS is in both the computer or smartphone which stores all the data for handling. Any user can easily save, control, update, delete that data. Which makes it very easy for a user. Understand with a quote, if you download a movie, it will be automatically stored in the download folder of your computer, this means that DBMS automatically detects the file and sends them to the related folder

On the one hand, understand from the quote, if you are storing any data in a folder on your computer. Suppose you are a teacher, and you want to store the details of marks of school children, then you will store that data in the computer. After that you will manage that details and then you can update it according to your own. DBMS software stores the database very easily in the computer in which we can later retrieve, manipulate that data, so that a user can easily.

What is DBMS?

The full form of DBMS is Database Management System, which is a software that works to store and manage every single data of the computer. Which stores each information in a different folder so that the user does not have any problem and he can easily access his file. Within the DBMS, the user gets many options, such as updating the data, retrieve, delete, manipulate, etc., you can change the data.

What is Database?

Any file or information that occupies space in the computer is called data and a database is a group or group of these files or information, storing many files is called a database. We explain to you in a little more easy way, if you download a song to your computer, then it will be called data, but if you have downloaded many songs one by one and a playlist has been created, then it will be called database.

What is Management?

For the data we store, we need a software that can manage our data well. By manage, it means to store the data in such a way that it is easy for a user to access the data. Like we have mentioned above, the downloaded files will be automatically saved in the download folder, later you can make changes in them according to you.

What is System?

The system is a group within which many things are not there, such as identifying the data and accessing it to the related folder, all this is impossible only when the information related to it is stored in the software. Therefore, a system is designed to understand and manage different commands and folders of the computer.

DBMS allows us to change what ?

Definition: It allows to create, modify, delete data in the database.

Data Update: It is used to change, change and delete the original data of the database.

Data Retrieve: It is used to retrieve data from the database which we can use again.

User Administration: It is used to protect the data and control all the data.

What is the work of DBMS?

Sharing Of Data

In this, the data is shared by an authorized user. If you are a user and you want to send any data from one folder to another in your computer, then you can share it through sharing option.

Data Redundancy

You must have ever seen that many duplicate files of a file are automatically created in your computer, DBMS plays its big role to reduce and manage this thing.

Data consistency

The same type of file is prevented from being stored again and again. DBMS removes all other files except one file.

Integration Of Data

In this, the data is stored in the form of tables, there are many tables in which the data is stored line by line, if the data is deleted then it can be brought back from it.

data security

In this, the data is secured by the DBMS so that the information can be accessed correctly. In this, the data is controlled by the administration. By which its security is promoted and the information is not misused.

Data Deleted & Recover

When you keep a data store in your computer, there is no guarantee that that data will always be stored, due to any technical problem, your data can be deleted. But DBMS gives an option to fix this problem so that you can get the removed data back again.

What are the characteristics of Database Management System?

  • Database management system uses digital repositories to store and manage information
  • Provides a neat option for editing and manipulating data.
  • The DBMS software also has the option to back up and restore data.
  • It has ACID properties, if there is any problem in the data, then it stores the data in the right condition.
  • DBMS simplifies the complex relationship between data.
  • It is used to support the manipulation of data
  • It keeps the computer's data secure and manages it correctly
  • We can access the data in different ways using this.
  • What are the types of Database Management System

What are the Types of Database Management Systems ?

Relational Database

In this database system, we can store a lot of data at once, data is stored with rows and columns. Relational database system is the system that allows you to create, update and remove data.

NoSQL Database

This type of database is more beneficial for organizations that want to store unstructured or semi-structured data. One advantage of this database is that an application developer can change the data without affecting the application.

Cloud Databas

These databases refer to the same databases that are created for cloud databases only. It provides flexibility, scalability to the data. Cloud databases are a bit low-maintenance. Example : Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Amazon relational Database service.

Columnar Database

Columnar database is also called column database. It stores data in columns instead of rows. This way the database is used in warehouse is good for handling analytical queries. You can get the information on your own, column wise.

Wide Column Database

Wide column databases are those databases in which wide column data is stored, instead of storing data in more rows, they store data in columns, which makes it easier for the user to access the data, this database is used a lot. It can also store petabytes of data. Example: Bigtable, Apache Cassandra and Scylla

Object Oriented Database

In this database all the data and its properties are tied together in the form of objects. This database is based on object-oriented programming and it works well with computer languages ​​like C++ and java. example: wakanda, objectstore

key-value database

These databases store the key-value, in simple language, these databases can easily handle the traffic of more data, these databases manage multi player online games and web applications. examples: Amazon DynamoDB, Redis

Hierarchical database

The data inside this database is represented as parent and child. Like if you click any of your pictures, it will automatically split like branches of a tree. This database was started in the 1960s. Examples: IBM Information Management System (IMS), Windows Registry

Document database

Documents are stored with the help of this database. It stores the document file as a model instead of storing it in columns and rows. This database is designed to store document oriented information. Examples: MongoDB, Amazon DocumentDB, Apache CouchDB

Graph databases

This database management system software is used to identify the connections between data points and to operate with them. These are based on graph principles, so they are used only to identify the connections between data points. This is done to prevent fraud and to prevent theft of people's data from social media. Examples: Datastax Enterprise Graph, Neo4J

Time Series Databases

Time series database used to manage time, date, internet connection, bettray, volume. You must have seen the option of time and date at the bottom of your computer dashboard, which you can change, this data is managed with the help of time series database only.

What are the Advantages of DBMS?

Controls database redundancy: In this data redundancy is controlled, and all the data is kept inside the file, in which it is easy to find the data file.

Data sharing: In DBMS, data can be shared to many users simultaneously by an authorized user.

Ease of Maintenance: This data is well maintained and the maintenance of database becomes easy by DBMS.

Reduce time: DBMS does not take much time to develop and maintain.

Backup: Provides the option of DBMS backup. If ever there is a problem with your computer's hardware and software, it creates automatic backup. Which can be restored later.

What are the Disadvantages of DBMS?

Higher cost of hardware and software: DBMS software requires high processor to run at high speed and also requires large memory.

large size required: Large memory and disk is required to store more data.

Complexcity: DBMS also creates many problems while working.

Failure: DBMS software stores the data in a single file so that it is easy for the user to find it, but sometimes an electrical failure occurs due to which the database file can be permanently deleted.

What are the components of DBMS?

Storage Engine: This is a very important part of DBMS. All our data is stored by this.

Query Language: This language is used to interact with the database. From creating the database to storing it, communication has to be made with the data.

Query Processor: This part communicates between the database and the user. When the user gives a command, the change is reflected in the database.

Optimization Engine: This engine optimizes the database stored inside the computer, so that the data can be protected.

Metadata Catalog: When a database is created, the metadata catalog records that database along with some metadata.

Log Manager: These components keep all the logs of the DBMS safe. Inside which the user's login, activity, backup are included.

Reporting & Monitoring Tools: This component is used to monitor the database and generates data reports for the user.

Data Utilities: This component provides some functionalities to the user.

  • Data Checks
  • Simple Database Repair
  • Data Validation
  • Backup & Restore

What are the functions of (DBMS) Database Management System?

Data Create: First of all, data is created in DBMS and then stored from it.

Data Manage: The data stored in this is managed by DBMS software.

Data Update: If there is any mistake in your database then you can update or change it.

Data Delete: With the help of this option, we can delete any information.

Data Backup: DBMS gives you the option of data backup so that you can recover the deleted data again.

Data Restore: If ever your data gets deleted due to any reason then you can restore from it.

List of DBMS softwares

⇒ 4th Dimension

⇒ Access Database Engine

⇒ Airtable

⇒ Adabas D

⇒ Apeche Derby

⇒ Aster Data

⇒Amazon Aurora

 ⇒ Altibase

⇒ CA datacom


⇒ Clarion

⇒ ClickHouse

⇒ Clustrix

⇒ CockroachDB



⇒ DataEase

⇒ DataFlex

⇒ Database management Library

⇒ Dataphor

⇒ dBase

⇒ Derby

⇒ Empress Embedded Database

⇒ Exasol

⇒ Extensible Storage Engine

⇒ EnterpriseDB

⇒ eXtremeDB

⇒ FileMaker Pro

⇒ firebird

⇒ Frontbase

⇒ Google Fusion Tables

⇒ Greenplum

⇒ Grovesite

⇒ h2

Today you have learned what is DBMS Database Management System. We hope that you liked this article. In future also we and our team will continue to bring similar technical information for you.

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